It’s time, once again to play… “Name that Old Testament Prototype!”
How to play:
- Al from PA, and Roy from TX… sorry bro’s you will have ti sit this one out!
- I will give you the New Testament verses, and fulfillment… the reality which the prototype pointed to, and you will have to give me the Old Testament prototype & verses.
- Respond with your answer by leaving a comment on THIS post.
- We play until we have a winner; First-come-first-serve.
- If you win… I will mail you your prize by us postal mail within a week.
- If you don’t win; don’t worry… God still loves you! Dive deep & dig hard!
Thank you to our Sponsor: Fullness of Truth Catholic Evangelzation Ministries!
The Prize:
- A 4 disc Audio CD set, from Fullness of Truth, featuring Dr. Brant Pitre & Dr. Michael Barber, on the “Reason’s to Believe”. – a $30 value.
- * Dr. Brant Pitre: “The Origin of the Bible – How did we get the New Testament?”
- * Dr. Brant Pitre: “Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist”
- * Dr. Michael Barber: “The Kingdom of God is at Hand: David, Jesus and the Catholic Church”
- * Dr. Michael Barber: Singing in the Reign: The Liturgy of God’s Kingdom”
- * BONUS: My 9 hour Audio CD set on “Freedom From Porn” & fighting pornography addiction. – a $20 value
The Game:
- New Testament Fulfillment: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Specifically the blessing of the adorer with the Host by the officiating Priest.
- Watch this video at 00:58 in the time line for exactly what I mean:
The challenge: Name the Old Testament allusion of this action, and the subsequent verses, that fits these particular type/reality!
Adoration in the New Testament is pretty straight forward. For instance, we see in Hebrews 12: 22 – 24 that heaven & earth are united in the Church (assembly) of the Lamb. We see a glimpse of this heavenly worship in Revelation 4:8-11 with the 4 living creatures, and 24 Priests, adoring the Lord God, sitting on the throne, falling on their faces. Again too in Revelation 19:4-6 where we see how the NAME of God, tied to adoration of God, the Lamb, in conjunction with the city… the NEW Jerusalem, the bride of the Lamb, is MARKED on the foreheads of the those who perpetually adore the Lamb forever. This reminds us of how the NAME of God will be present, and worshiped, in the Temple set up in the City which God designated… Jerusalem (1 Kings 8:16-21). Let’s not forget that our Lord said in St. John’s Gospel 6:49 – 51 “Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.” So the “Lamb of God” (John 1:36) who takes away the sins of the world has commanded us to eat his flesh & drink his blood because his flesh & blood is life for the world. Our Lord also tells us in Revelation 2:17 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it.’ What is the name? Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (St. Matthew 28:19) as we mark ourselves with the “sign” of our salvation… the cross (Revelation 7:3). So we worship of the “Lamb of God”, who’s very flesh gives us life, adore him perpetually, and mark ourselves with the very NAME of the living God… the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
Old Testament: Now… where in the Old Testament can we find the adoration of God being perpetually offered that is a clear allusion to the video above? The prototype in the Mosaic covenant that has been perfected in the “New Covenant” in the blood of the Lamb (St. Luke 22:20)? Name the verses & the prototype.
- You will need to find additional data, outside, of Scripture, to properly understand the OT verses that this applies to. The OT verses, which relate to the to prototype, which I’m asking you for, assume that the reader knows more than is actually written about the subject. It helps to be a first century Jew in the case…. so you will have to dive deep & dig hard!
- It’s related to Pentecost, the Temple, sacrifices, Priests, wheat, consuming, adoration & benediction of God.
- This is a tough one…. you will have to dig deep. It’s more of an allusion than a strict prototype but its a powerful image to be sure!
Bonus: Would you like another hint? Invite others to play, through Facebook or Twitter, by directing them to this site and I will send you a hint to help out. Good luck!
We have a winner!
Audio clip from Dr. Brant Pitre explaining this AT THE TOP of the post (audio player). Click HERE for the full lecture. Check out this article on the Omer Sacrifice for more insight into how the Jewish Priest’s conducted the “wave” offering HERE.
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