Here in the USA, we have been spoiled to have it so good for so long but, now, “Times, they are a changing!” It seems clear which direction the social political direction this country is taking. America is following Europe in that we are fading as a “once” people of faith into “nothingness.”
According to a recent Pew Research Study, there has been a significant rise in people claiming NO affiliation in religion; more than 6% in fact. This is a very significant number for people of faith, we are simply loosing the “evangelization battle.” Agnosticism, atheism, secularism, relativism, and good old fashion indifference is doing a MUCH better job than we are to win the hearts and minds of our people. To pour salt in the wound, the largest exodus is from the Catholic Church. Ouch!
Here’s a question, is it time to “shake off the dust” and move on? No! It’s time to get engaged!
What we really have is clarity in our purpose and opportunity to get engaged. Clarity in our purpose due to the increasingly hostile social and legal environment we find ourselves in. Soon, we will not be able to remain “undercover Catholics,” and must pick a side. Opportunity in the modes of communication that are now available to us to get engaged with a world so desperate to hear the “Good News.”
So, here we are, at the convergence of clarity and opportunity, a moment of time that may pass us by before we know it. The questions are, what are we willing to do about it? Are we willing and able to take advantage of this opportunity? Do we have the courage to step out in faith? Is God asking us to get engaged, out of Love for our fellow man, to plant a seed that the Holy Spirit may water it?
I believe, the time for doubt, inaction, and fear has past; we can no longer afford a dispassionate response. Wait, before you think I am going all “doom and gloom,” please hear me out first. No, it will be the “Joy of The Gospel” that will win our world for Christ and His Church. Sure, I have a little St. John the Baptist in me… no question… but, our “shouting from the roof tops” must include our joy for Love of Jesus.
So what will you do? Do you have a message to share? What methods are you using to share it? I want to see a lot more Catholics engaged in Catholic Evangelization, especially online. What outlets are you using now? Do you have a podcast? Are you on Facebook? What about YouTube? Do you have a YouTube channel? Do you blog or write articles? Have you passed out Lighthouse Catholic Media CD’s? Or perhaps pamphlets? Do you have a local Catholic radio station? Have you shared it with your loved ones, friends, co-workers, etc.?
The time for bravery has come! We have a voice. We have the sacramental graces from Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion… it’s time to put them to work. Are you ready to get engaged? There are so many people the Lord is hoping you will encounter for His Glory and their salvation… your “yes” is the ignition to it all. Don’t wait… get started right now!
Check out some recommended resources:
How to use YouTube for evangelization
Martyrs to the ends of the earth