TCH 79 The 4th Cup and Josh LeBlanc


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Today’s special guest is Joshua LeBlanc and Josh & I dive deep on the 4th Cup which is a great way to show how the sacrifice in the upper room and the sacrifice on the cross were one and the same sacrifice. This is a deep topic and Josh did a great job unpacking all the layers of theology and typology.

Joshua LeBlanc is the co-founder and president of, a 100% Catholic webhosting service. He is also the mind behind the annual Catholic Blog Awards. Joshua is married and currently works in the Information Technology field in Lafayette, Louisiana. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy and the liberal arts from St. Joseph Seminary College in Covington, LA and is currently a candidate for the Master of Arts degree in Theology and Christian Ministry from Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH. Joshua also freelances as a speaker and writer on various Catholic issues and subjects and co-hosts a weekly live television show,Champions of the Truth, which airs in the Lafayette, LA area. Joshua is a regular contributor and panelist on the podcast.

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Joe M