This week on “Behold The Man”, an evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign, only Jonah will be given them! We enter into the depths of Christ’s death, and stay with him for 3days in the belley of Sheoul, to arise with him in newness of life. We are exploring […]
Why did God have to take on flesh and dwell among us? Why did he have to suffer and die to redeem us? Answer, LOVE. Today, on "Behold the Man" we look at the Law of Love in Salvation History!
Today, on "Behold The Man" we take a look at how the Old becomes the New, how the feast of Yom Kippur is perfected in the cross of Christ! We also pray for the Jewish people; may their High Holiday be filled with G-d's grace!
Today, on "Behold the Man" we look at Genesis 28 & the mysterious encounter Jacob had with a ladder reaching up to heaven. It's fulfillment is found in Christ, the Temple and the Priesthood. Jacob receives the blessing of Abraham from God himself and yet still try's to keep his options open.
Today on "Behold The Man", we ask the question; did Jesus come to do something completely new? Or, did was His plan constant from the beginning? I argue that his plan for Salvation has been the same from the beginning and he has perfected the old in the new... thereby making all things new. We will look at the structure, worship, and fulfillment of the old into the new.
Today on "Behold the Man", we look at Genesis 26, 27, and part of 28 in our study of "A Father Who keeps His promises" by Dr. Scott Hahn. Rebecca, knowing the Isaac was about to bestow the blessing of the first born to Easu, intercedes, and sends Jacob in to Jacob Easu & Isaac. The plan is hatched,,, carried out,,, and the blessing goes forth! The parallels to the passover, and Easter/Eucharist are amazing.
Today on “Behold The Man”, we take up where we left off in chapter 6 of “A Father who keeps His promises” by Dr. Scott Hahn. Jacob, the younger will supplant Esau, the elder, which is contrary to the structure of ancient families, and yet, a major theme through out Salvation History. The intro […]
Today on “Behold the Man” , we interrupt our regularly scheduled program to look at the typology found in St. Luke’s annunciation narrative in chapter 1. Like the Tabernacle in the wilderness, and the Temple of Salomon, Mary too was overshadowed by the Spirit, and filled with God’s presence. But… […]
Game Status: WE HAVE A WINNER! – Game closed It’s time, once again to play… “Name that Old Testament Prototype!” How to play: If you have already won a prize, sorry you will have to sit this one out! I will give you the New Testament verses, and fulfillment… the […]