Noah Part Two. Noah is a NEW Adam but, can he resist the forbidden fruit unlike his fore-father? In this episode we look at the devastating effects of history repeating itself, and reflect on how we can avoid the same mistakes. Pick up your copy of Dr. Scott Hahn’s “A […]
Fall in love with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ… by getting to know His mother! In this 3 disc audio CD set, we dive DEEP into Sacred Scripture to look at Mary’s role in Salvation History. Mary, The New Eve In A New Garden! Mary, The Handmaid Of The […]
Sounds of snapping twigs and the crackling of dried leaves come to mind when we read how afraid Adam and Eve were when they “heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day” (Gen. 3:8). As a parent, I will often imagine Adam and […]
On a few occasions I have been approached by non-Catholic Christians about why Catholics hold Mary in so high a regard. The arguments are somewhat typical, “Why do you pray to Mary when 1 Timothy 2:5 says, ‘For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and […]
There is a pattern in scripture that repeats itself all throughout salvation history. One that I think will help shed some light upon the Mother of Jesus, serving as the “Handmaid of the Lord.” You may have noticed this before, especially if you have gone through the covenant mediators in salvation history. When a key figure commits grave sin, he allows that sin into his home and it always has devastating affects upon his family. Case in point… when Adam chose to save his skin, and forgo his and his brides souls’, by cowering to the threats of the ancient serpent and partaking in the forbidden fruit, he opened wide the door of destruction and allowed his sin in to wreck havoc upon his marriage, and his children (c.f. Gen.3).
This is a presentation on the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, given to an RCIA group at St. Edward Catholic Church in Spring, TX. It is the “source and summit” of the Christian faith. It is the body, blood, soul and divinity of the Jesus Christ, given to us as […]
It was a great honor for me to give this talk at ONE ministry Presents " An Evening of Praise and Worship" in Houston, Texas. With the gift of the presence of Christ comes the task to be his martyrs, His witnesses, to HIS brethren to the ends of the earth.
Something for you ponder today… Matthew 12:42 (RSVCE) 42 The queen of the South will arise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here. Song of […]