This is a talk on the call of every man to heroic leadership. In this talk, which I gave at the 2017 Sacramento Catholic Men's Conference, I tell the story of St. Maximilian Kolbe and how his live can serve as an example to the rest of us. We are called to live heroic lives of virtue... to get "them" to heaven!
men’s conference
3 posts
“Did not our hearts burn…” Luke 24:32 Share this with others – Download the MP3 audio of this talk – just $1.99. Thank you for supporting my work. “I have come to bring fire upon the earth, and would that it were already enkindled!” These are the words of Our […]
It’s been an incredible Lent so far! The Lord has allowed His “mangey donkey” to speak for His glory at three Catholic Men’s conferences so far! I gave this talk at the Worcester Catholic Men’s conference at the DCU center. It was an amazing event with some great guys. I […]