Fall in love with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ… by getting to know His mother! In this 3 disc audio CD set, we dive DEEP into Sacred Scripture to look at Mary’s role in Salvation History. Mary, The New Eve In A New Garden! Mary, The Handmaid Of The […]
What a grace! The Lord was too gracious to me tonight, the mission at St. Irenaeus Catholic Church in Cypress, CA went much better than I deserve. Tonight, my talk was on Mary as the Handmaid of the Lord… the intercessor of Salvation History. Download my outline Read my article […]
There is a pattern in scripture that repeats itself all throughout salvation history. One that I think will help shed some light upon the Mother of Jesus, serving as the “Handmaid of the Lord.” You may have noticed this before, especially if you have gone through the covenant mediators in salvation history. When a key figure commits grave sin, he allows that sin into his home and it always has devastating affects upon his family. Case in point… when Adam chose to save his skin, and forgo his and his brides souls’, by cowering to the threats of the ancient serpent and partaking in the forbidden fruit, he opened wide the door of destruction and allowed his sin in to wreck havoc upon his marriage, and his children (c.f. Gen.3).