“Gotcha! Paul says in Galatians 2:11, ‘But when Cephas came to Antioch I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned.’ See? You Catholics say Peter was the first Pope and yet Paul puts him in his place. The catholic Church is not scriptural!” This is one of my […]
gotcha verse
“Gotcha! Jesus said in Matthew 6:7, ‘But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking1‘ (King James version). See? All Catholic prayers are nothing more than vain repetition, a violation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!” […]
“Gotcha! Jesus says in Mark 7:8, ‘You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition’‘1, yet you Catholics say tradition is as important as scripture. See! The Catholic Church makes void the Word of God!” Have you heard this before? Maybe from a friend, a loved one, or […]
“Gotcha! Mark 2:7 says, ‘Who can forgive sins but God alone?‘, but you Catholics say we are supposed to confess our sins to a priest… a mere human man! See? The Catholic Church is not scriptural!” Many non-Catholics struggle with the concept of confession to a Priest, so do many […]
If you have ever spent time debating non-Catholics on the scriptural basis of Catholic beliefs, invariably the discussion of “Sola Scriptura” will come up at some point. “Sola Scriptura” is latin for the “bible alone”, the protestant idea that the sole rule of faith is scripture… not tradition, and certainly […]
On a few occasions I have been approached by non-Catholic Christians about why Catholics hold Mary in so high a regard. The arguments are somewhat typical, “Why do you pray to Mary when 1 Timothy 2:5 says, ‘For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and […]
Anyone who wants to interpret scripture MUST get to the context of a given passage. You can never take a passage out of context… it never stands alone. In other words, you can not take a passage out of scripture, set it all by itself and say, “see, this MUST mean […]
There is a pattern in scripture that repeats itself all throughout salvation history. One that I think will help shed some light upon the Mother of Jesus, serving as the “Handmaid of the Lord.” You may have noticed this before, especially if you have gone through the covenant mediators in salvation history. When a key figure commits grave sin, he allows that sin into his home and it always has devastating affects upon his family. Case in point… when Adam chose to save his skin, and forgo his and his brides souls’, by cowering to the threats of the ancient serpent and partaking in the forbidden fruit, he opened wide the door of destruction and allowed his sin in to wreck havoc upon his marriage, and his children (c.f. Gen.3).
Well IF (noticed I tried to use a big IF) that's true, then it would seem to me that St. Paul must have missed a whole bunch of memos from the home office. I mean if I were St. Paul, and I was the "consumate Protestant", rejecting the Catholic Church, holding up doctrines such as "the bible alone", "faith alone" , "once saved always saved", "there is no purgatory", "the Eucharist is only a symbol", "pastors are free to marry" and so many others... then I would have NEVER written verses that seemed to suggest anything to the contrary of my beliefs.