St. Ambrose: Model of Christian Manhood!

Saints and Sinners: St. Ambrose Edition!


Saints and Sinners… what can they teach us about being better men, husbands and fathers? In this first “Saints and Sinners” video, we look at St. Ambrose of Milan in the 4th century. 

Be a man! Yeah, I’ve heard this before but, what does it mean to “be a man?” I’ve heard talks from great Catholic speakers such as Scott Hahn, Steve Ray, Fr. Larry Richards, and watched great TV shows from Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers on EWTN on this very topic… “Be a Man” … and felt there was a need to take their insight and combine it with the lives of the saints.

Well… let’s dive into the lives of the saints and see if they can teach us to “be a man!” In this episode, we are looking at the life of St. Ambrose of Milan in the 4th century. St. Ambrose is a truly remarkable Catholic Bishop. Saint Ambrose was courageous, faithful, and brilliant. St. Ambrose stood up to the Roman Emperors, beat back the Arian heretics, and provided incredible leadership to his flock.

Not only was Saint Ambrose named a Doctor of the Catholic Church but, also, was St. Augustine whom St. Ambrose converted and baptized in 386 AD. There is much to learn from this man.

Let’s dive in and look at the lives of the saints and maybe just maybe we will learn a litter more about bing a real man, a better husband and father to fulfill our role that God has entrusted to us.

Sources on St. Ambrose: