#GodisGood Archery

Check out my Traditional Archery Videos:


1 Corinthians 10:31 – … Whatever you do, do ALL for the Glory of God!

I am in love with Traditional Archery!  I shoot almost every day in hopes of becoming the best archer I can be, as a witness for my greater love of God and His Church.  Additionally, I use my skills as an archer to hunt and provide some of the leanest and healthiest (non-GMO) meat for my family on the planet.  It truly resonates with my role as “leader, protector, and provider” in  my family. Just as St. Paul said, we can offer up everything we do as a gift to God and a witness to the world. God is Good! 

On my YouTube channel (CatholicHack’s Traditional Archery) I have a series of Traditional Archery videos that cover shooting techniques, tips, product reviews, trick shots, and more. I want to give a special thank you to 3 Rivers Archery for supporting my passion for traditional archery!

Would you consider supporting this channel? 

  • Become a member of my Trad Gang on Patreon – HERE
  • Buy my Trad Swag!

Check out my line-up of Traditional Archery shirts like this #GodisGood shirt! CLICK HERE to see the shirts.  This is a great way to help me spread the word that God is Good and help support my ministry. Thank you in advance! 
