As you may know, my testimony of how God saved me from pornography addiction is featured in Matt Fradd’s “Delivered”, published by Catholic Answers. Recently, Matt was interviewed about the book on EWTN’s “Bookmark” with Doug Keck. It was cool to hear them discuss my journey (starting at min. 14:20), as well as the others. God is Good!
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I gave this talk at the opening ceremony of the John Paul II Film Festival in Miami, FL; its a combination of a talk I give on “Shame & Continence” from John Paul II “Love & Responsibility” and my own testimony on growing up with pornography, sexual license, how God delivered me from it, and how John Paul II taught me to use shame as a tool for spiritual success. You can hear my full testimony, and a more detailed talk on “Shame” on my site… click on “Book The Hack” at the top… links to the talks are on the bottom of that page.
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We will discuss how and why we form our conscience. We will also discuss the 5 non-negotiable issues we can not ignore this november.