This is a presentation on the sacrament of Baptism which I gave to an RCIA group at St. Edward's Catholic Church in Spring, TX. Baptism is the Gateway to all other Sacraments, we enter into the abyss, the death of Christ, only to be resurrected, through the water and spirit, with Christ in glory. Truly, "it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me..." (Gal. 2:20)!
Click the play button above. We serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, sharing His ministry as Priest, Prophet, and King, we are the King’s Men! If Christ was so willing to give up his life, for us, to provide us with LIFE poured out in the […]
It was a great honor for me to give this talk at ONE ministry Presents " An Evening of Praise and Worship" in Houston, Texas. With the gift of the presence of Christ comes the task to be his martyrs, His witnesses, to HIS brethren to the ends of the earth.
Are YOU a “man after God’s own heart?” Am I? In this talk we dive into what that means and how to achieve it. I was blessed to give a short talk for the St. Joseph Covenant Keepers lunch in Lafayette, La. on Holy Thursday, 2012. What does it mean […]
This is a short reflection on the Our Father, given on my 13th anniversary as a Catholic to an RCIA class at St. Edward Catholic Church in Spring, TX, in April of 2012. Want more? Check out my talking points HERE. Recommended resources on the subject: TheĀ CatechismĀ Of The Catholic Church, […]
Every man is called by God to be a leader, protector and provider for those whom God has placed into his care and custody. How often do we stop and contemplate this universal calling? I was blessed to give a talk on "Providing" at an "Into The WIld Weekend" hosted by The King's Men. It was a phenomenal experience and I recommend one to every man!