Getting back to “A Father Who Keeps His Promises” (Ch. 4) by Dr. Scott Hahn, today, we look at Genesis Ch. 4, 5, & 6 and dive deep into Cain, & Able, as well as the good line through Seth and the bad line through Cain and his decedents. We […]
Monthly Archives: December 2009
13 posts
After William Wallace defeated the British Army at Sterling Bridge the Scottish Nobles knighted him and declared him Supreme Protector of Scotland. In a dark, dingy, open hall, packed full of Scots curious to see this Wallace who defeated the mighty Army of Edward “The Long Shanks” they began to […]
With the inaguration of the first annual ChristmasLent Planned Giving Campaign, is proud to announce the formation of the Catholic New Media Institute and the Institute’s major event – CatholiCon (plus the Live webcast of the Catholic New Media Awards!). How you can help? To make The Catholic New […]