CHECK OUT THE NEW CATHOLIC HACK BOOK STORE! powered by ODEO Show Notes:Marcus Grodi and his wife Marilyn were both “cradle Protestants.” Marcus received his BS degree from Case Institute of Technology in Polymer Engineering and worked for six years as an engineer. During this time he was involved in […]
Monthly Archives: January 2008
powered by ODEO CHECK OUT THE NEW CATHOLIC HACK BOOK STORE! Show Notes:Marcus Grodi and his wife Marilyn were both “cradle Protestants.” Marcus received his BS degree from Case Institute of Technology in Polymer Engineering and worked for six years as an engineer. During this time he was involved in […]
powered by ODEO Show Notes:Steve Ray is a convert to the Catholic Church and the author of three best-selling Ignatius Press books (Crossing the Tiber, Upon this Rock, and St. John’s Gospel). He speaks at conferences around the world and is a regular guest on Catholic Answers Live, The Journey […]
powered by ODEO Show Notes:Steve Ray is a convert to the Catholic Church and the author of three best-selling Ignatius Press books (Crossing the Tiber, Upon this Rock, and St. John’s Gospel). He speaks at conferences around the world and is a regular guest on Catholic Answers Live, The Journey […]
powered by ODEO Luke 1: 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit, 42 cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. 43 And […]