Genesis Chapter 2:[23] Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bonesand flesh of my flesh;she shall be called Woman,because she was taken out of Man.” [24] Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh. [25] […]
If you have followed my work for any amount of time you know that I absolutely LOVE typology in Scripture. I wish I was smarter because I would love to write a book on my favorite types in Salvation History. The CCC, in paragraph 128, states “The Church, as […]
Did you know that Jesus was not the first in scripture to undergo a "Passion"? Jesus was not the first to cross the Kidron Valley at night, not the first to climb the Mount of Olives in sorrow, nor the first shepherd to be struck so that the sheep might scatter! Have you ever heard of the passion of KingDavid? Read 2 Samuel 15 through 20... here are the highlights!
Who is the first person in the Bible to be called the “son of God”? If you answered Jesus, you would be incorrect. Actually, that title was bestowed on an individual about 1000 years before Christ was conceived. 2 Samuel 7:[11] from the time that I appointed judges over my people Israel; […]
I want to thank the men of the "Catholic Men's Retreat" of Wyoming for inviting me to speak to them about one my favorite subjects... typology! In this series of 6 lectures we attempted to examine the question... why did Jesus have to suffer and die just to redeem us from our sin. If Jesus is God, then why not just will our redemption? To go through so much for us, the mocking, the stripes of the scourging, the crown of thorns, the out-pouring of his blood, being cut off from his people and nailed to a tree... there must have been a very good reason. In the seeking the answer to this question we endeavor to become the "Man in the Garden!" We ask the question… why? If Jesus is God then why the cross? The death? The suffering and agony? And why was he so careful to do it all in the garden? In September, 2011, we journey back in time to the first man in a garden and there […]
Recently, I was asked to respond to a critic of the Catholic Church who accused the Church of being unscriptural in her teaching on the Priesthood. Specifically they took exception with the Eucharist, Confession, and Apostolic succession among other things. They seemed to suggest that the 12 Apostles were unique to be sure but, certainly NOT Priests and […]
This week on “Behold The Man”, We wrap up our series on Baptismal typolgy by looking at Joshua’s crossing of the Jordan river. How must we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? By crossing the water infused with the Holy Spirit! * The SHOW NOTES, click HERE, to download a PDF copy. […]