[Note: This was originally postes back in 2010] Today, on “Behold The Man” we praise God for making it through the desert of Lent, the pain of Good Friday, and reaching the empty tomb & resurrection glory! The new Adam accomplished what the first Adam refused to do… stand in the gap! […]
3 posts
Genesis Chapter 2:[23] Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bonesand flesh of my flesh;she shall be called Woman,because she was taken out of Man.” [24] Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh. [25] […]
This week on “Behold The Man”, an evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign, only Jonah will be given them! We enter into the depths of Christ’s death, and stay with him for 3days in the belley of Sheoul, to arise with him in newness of life. We are exploring […]