Sounds of snapping twigs and the crackling of dried leaves come to mind when we read how afraid Adam and Eve were when they “heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day” (Gen. 3:8). As a parent, I will often imagine Adam and […]
Prodigal Son
Today, on Behold The Man, I share my talk at the San Antonio Men’s conference. I know many have already listened to this talk however, for the benefit of those who only listen to this show on the radio I was granted permission to post a 45 min special. Also, […]
Today on Behold The Man, we dive a little deeper into St. Luke 15:11-32 & St. John 4 as we see how much Our Father has great love for his children. We also see how the "Prodigal Son" & the "Woman at the Well" were also direct encounters with God in bringing back together his family, the Jews & the Israelite's, the chosen people of God. Its a beautiful scene of the vastness of God's mercy for us all!
Today I wanted to give an apologetic on the Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation. The intro song was by Danielle Rose called “Small Things With Great Love” off of her album “I Thirst”. Check out her website here! Really could use your help with reviews on iTunes! Subscribe, rate and review today! […]