St. Maria Goretti – Feast Day July 6th – Virgin & Martyr From : Born in Corinaldo, Ancona, Italy, on October 16 1890; her farmworker father moved his family to Ferrier di Conca, near Anzio. Her father died of malaria and her mother had to struggle to feed her children. In […]
Recently, I was asked to respond to a critic of the Catholic Church who accused the Church of being unscriptural in her teaching on the Priesthood. Specifically they took exception with the Eucharist, Confession, and Apostolic succession among other things. They seemed to suggest that the 12 Apostles were unique to be sure but, certainly NOT Priests and […]
This week on "Behold The Man" we look at Jesus' trimphal entry into Jerusalem as the NEW Solomon, the NEW Son of David. But... he brings with him a NEW Priesthood!
This week on "Behold The Man", Did Jesus really mean we can't call our Priest's Fahter in Matthew 23:9? Or... is it because they are Priest's that we MUST call them Fahter?
If it walks like a Duck… If it talks like a Duck… must be a duck… Right? RSS FILE:!_Podcast/rss.xml Show Notes: The_Catholic_Hack_No13_The_Priesthood.pdf Why We Have a Ministerial Priesthood.doc God’s Airplane.doc Download MP3’s: The Catholic Hack! FeedBurner site: My Feed Burner site Call the FeedBack line: 206-888-1732 Welcome back to […]