I want to thank the men of the "Catholic Men's Retreat" of Wyoming for inviting me to speak to them about one my favorite subjects... typology! In this series of 6 lectures we attempted to examine the question... why did Jesus have to suffer and die just to redeem us from our sin. If Jesus is God, then why not just will our redemption? To go through so much for us, the mocking, the stripes of the scourging, the crown of thorns, the out-pouring of his blood, being cut off from his people and nailed to a tree... there must have been a very good reason. In the seeking the answer to this question we endeavor to become the "Man in the Garden!"
This week on “Behold The Man”, being inspired by an article From Jean Cardinal Danielou, S.J. entitled: "The Sacraments And the History of Salvation"; we dive deep into the living-flowing waters of creation, cleansing and redemption to find the power and beauty of the Sacrament of Baptisim!
This week on "Behold The Man", we look back through the mountain and mediators of Salvation history to see what they all had in common. Then we look at how it is all perfected in the NEW mountain, the ROCK of St. Peter.
Today on “Behold The Man” we get back to our study on “A Father Who Keeps His Promises” in order to finish up Chapter 4. It’s the next big covenant in Scripture… the flood, the ark, the new creation, and the second fall of man kind! It’s a jam packed […]