This week on "Behold The Man", Did Jesus really mean we can't call our Priest's Fahter in Matthew 23:9? Or... is it because they are Priest's that we MUST call them Fahter?
High Priest
Today on "Behold The Man", we ask the question; did Jesus come to do something completely new? Or, did was His plan constant from the beginning? I argue that his plan for Salvation has been the same from the beginning and he has perfected the old in the new... thereby making all things new. We will look at the structure, worship, and fulfillment of the old into the new.
Today, on “Behold The Man” we look at the mysterious figure of Melchiz’edek whom Abraham gave a tithe and whom it is said, in Hebrews 7:17 “For it is witnessed of him, ‘Thou art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchiz’edek.’ “ Who is this man? Where does […]
It’s time, once again to play… “Name that Old Testament Prototype!” How to play: Jeffry from NJ sorry bro’s you will have t0 sit this one out! I will give you the New Testament verses, and fulfillment… the reality which the prototype pointed to, and you will have to give […]
Today, I felt the need to continue the discussion on the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. We tackle “The Spirit who gives life” in John 6, as well as “Do this in remembrance of me” found in Luke 22, and elsewhere. I also show how the first […]
Today, we talk about the Catholic Church’s doctrine of the real presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. I’ve been taking a poll on the site and found that 91% do believe in this teaching but, I know there are many who do not. So let’s dive into it! If […]
Today, we finish up both Genesis chapter 3 and “A Father Who Keeps His Promises” chapter 3. Its the punishment God dolls out for the sin of Adam… wrath or love? We also, point out even more typology to Christ and Mary in this chapter. Want to be on the […]
“Adam The High Priest: Serving in the Holy of Hollies in the garden of Eden!” Today, we finish up chapter 2 of “A Father Who Keeps His Promises” by looking at creation as the macro temple and the garden of Eden as the Holy of Hollies. If there is a […]
If it walks like a Duck… If it talks like a Duck… must be a duck… Right? RSS FILE:!_Podcast/rss.xml Show Notes: The_Catholic_Hack_No13_The_Priesthood.pdf Why We Have a Ministerial Priesthood.doc God’s Airplane.doc Download MP3’s: The Catholic Hack! FeedBurner site: My Feed Burner site Call the FeedBack line: 206-888-1732 Welcome back to […]