Do me a favor… please listen to this beautiful song by my friend Michael John Poirier. On Tuesday we have an opportunity to express our faith in the public square by voting. Let’s not forget the critical issues of LIFE (from conception to a natural death), Liberty (standing up for religious freedom), and […]
It never ends well you know. First they apply public pressure, then they pass a law, they take just a little here, a little there; It’s not much, at first anyway, and too few muster the courage to stand up to the coming tyranny. Before you know it… their property […]
I was blessed to be asked to speak on the topic of pornography at Stephen F Austin University by the St. Mary’s Catholic Center. It was a great time and I really enjoyed meeting those in attendance. The sins of our father come back to haunt us and wreak havoc in […]
Do you know someone who is struggling with pornography? Sexual license? Other perverse sexual behavior? Is he your husband, your Father, brother, son, or possibly a cousin even? How about your neighbor or Co-worker? YOU can help them… become the instrument in the hands of the Holy Spirit… Give them this CD set!