Sounds of snapping twigs and the crackling of dried leaves come to mind when we read how afraid Adam and Eve were when they “heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day” (Gen. 3:8). As a parent, I will often imagine Adam and […]
On Saturday March 9th I was honored to speak at the 7th annual Milwaukee Men of Christ event. It was an amazing opportunity for me, and the men blew me away with their courage and commitment to Christ and His Church! In my talk, “Leave No Man Behind”, I shared […]
“Gotcha! Mark 2:7 says, ‘Who can forgive sins but God alone?‘, but you Catholics say we are supposed to confess our sins to a priest… a mere human man! See? The Catholic Church is not scriptural!” Many non-Catholics struggle with the concept of confession to a Priest, so do many […]
Recently, I was asked to respond to a critic of the Catholic Church who accused the Church of being unscriptural in her teaching on the Priesthood. Specifically they took exception with the Eucharist, Confession, and Apostolic succession among other things. They seemed to suggest that the 12 Apostles were unique to be sure but, certainly NOT Priests and […]
Today, on Behold The Man we prepare the way of our Lord by looking at the first Confession... the fall of man, the reconciliation, and the restoration of us all!
We look at how Jesus used his WILL POWER to be perfectly obedient to the Father which redeems us all and unties the knot of disobedience of Adam. We too can use will power to over come our own situation, look past our emotions, and face the mountina along with our Lord. […]
Today on “Behold The Man”, we talk about the Gospel reading from the 4th week of Lent… Luke 15:11-32, the “Prodigal Son”. This is on of the most beautiful passages of Scripture as it depicts the endless mercy of the Father for His children. Aren’t we all in need of […]