Today on “Behold The Man”, we talk about the Gospel reading from the 4th week of Lent… Luke 15:11-32, the “Prodigal Son”. This is on of the most beautiful passages of Scripture as it depicts the endless mercy of the Father for His children. Aren’t we all in need of […]
Behold The Man Radio Show
Today, on "Behold the Man" I give an overview of a talk I will be giving on the subject of Shame from John Paul The Great's book "Love & Responsibility". For decades in my pursuit for satisfaction, through pornography addiction, and sexual license, I found only shame. Shame is what reminds us of our sin, and at the same time, can help us find true freedom.
Today on "Behold The Man" I talk about a recent article I wrote about Praying Boldly & asking God for a sign to shore up my faith. God has given us his only Son, His Church, His Sacraments, His Mother, our brothers and sisters (the Saints), but, he wants to give us something more.... an experiences of Him as "My Father" not just "Our Father". Yes, it's better to not have seen & believe however, God is ready to give you what he gave St. Thomas... a little something extra!
Behold The Man Christmas Trilogy! Advent Show Saint Matthew Show Saint Luke Show Google Podcasts | RSS | Check out the podcast resource page!
After William Wallace defeated the British Army at Sterling Bridge the Scottish Nobles knighted him and declared him Supreme Protector of Scotland. In a dark, dingy, open hall, packed full of Scots curious to see this Wallace who defeated the mighty Army of Edward “The Long Shanks” they began to […]
Today, I felt the need to continue the discussion on the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. We tackle “The Spirit who gives life” in John 6, as well as “Do this in remembrance of me” found in Luke 22, and elsewhere. I also show how the first […]
Today, we tackle two tough questions about what the Catholic Church teaches on St. Peter… 1) IF St. Peter was given the Keys to the kingdom then WHY was he still clueless as to what Jesus was teaching about his Kingdom? Why squabble over an earthly Kingdom when Jesus was […]
Today, we finish up both Genesis chapter 3 and “A Father Who Keeps His Promises” chapter 3. Its the punishment God dolls out for the sin of Adam… wrath or love? We also, point out even more typology to Christ and Mary in this chapter. Want to be on the […]
Today we take a look at the 6 covenants in scripture and quickly discuss how they are linked to oneanother… God was expaning his family throughout salvation history. Help me out! please subscribe to the “Behold The Man” feed on iTunes here. Please be sure to review & rate the […]