[Note: This was originally postes back in 2010] Today, on “Behold The Man” we praise God for making it through the desert of Lent, the pain of Good Friday, and reaching the empty tomb & resurrection glory! The new Adam accomplished what the first Adam refused to do… stand in the gap! […]
Behold The Man Radio Show
Today, on “Behold the Man” we are looking at Galatians 2:11 – what did St. Peter do wrong? Was he really acting like a hypocrite? Or… was it St. Paul who learned a valuable lesson here? Show Notes: * The SHOW NOTES, click HERE, to download a PDF copy. * […]
Today, on “Behold The Man” we see how Jacob fathered his 12 sons… not quite the “text-book” approach you would hope for in a patriarch of the people of God. Stocked full of wives, children, and live stock… Jacob makes off with his riches for the land of his father; […]
Today, on "Behold The Man" we take a look at how the Old becomes the New, how the feast of Yom Kippur is perfected in the cross of Christ! We also pray for the Jewish people; may their High Holiday be filled with G-d's grace!
Today, on "Behold the Man" we look at a very tough question; how can I proclaim the Catholic Church when there are so many problems with it? The answer is simple... the Church itself is a gift from God. We take a quick journey through salvation history to see how Jesus perfects the Church and gives us the Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and sacraments as life and light for a dark world.
Today, on "Behold the Man" we look at Genesis 28 & the mysterious encounter Jacob had with a ladder reaching up to heaven. It's fulfillment is found in Christ, the Temple and the Priesthood. Jacob receives the blessing of Abraham from God himself and yet still try's to keep his options open.
Today on "Behold The Man", we ask the question; did Jesus come to do something completely new? Or, did was His plan constant from the beginning? I argue that his plan for Salvation has been the same from the beginning and he has perfected the old in the new... thereby making all things new. We will look at the structure, worship, and fulfillment of the old into the new.
Today, on “Behold The Man” we finish up chapter 5 of “A Father who keeps his promises” by Dr. Scott Hahn, by looking at Genesis 22 and Abraham’s ACT of faith. It’s a powerful peak into the future and how God will send HIS only son, Jesus, placing the wood on His […]
Today, on Behold The Man, I share my talk at the San Antonio Men’s conference. I know many have already listened to this talk however, for the benefit of those who only listen to this show on the radio I was granted permission to post a 45 min special. Also, […]
Today on Behold The Man, we dive a little deeper into St. Luke 15:11-32 & St. John 4 as we see how much Our Father has great love for his children. We also see how the "Prodigal Son" & the "Woman at the Well" were also direct encounters with God in bringing back together his family, the Jews & the Israelite's, the chosen people of God. Its a beautiful scene of the vastness of God's mercy for us all!