Dr. Scott Hahn, Founder, President and Chairman of the Board of The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, is one of the world’s most successful Catholic authors and teachers. He earned his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Marquette University, writing his dissertation on “Kinship by Covenant: A Biblical Theological Analysis […]
On Today’s show I interview Dr. Scott Hahn! SalvationHistory.com ScottHahn.com The Glory Estate http://media.blubrry.com/catholic/p/www.joemcclane.com/Behold_The_Man/BTM_No2.mp3Subscribe: Google Podcasts | RSS | Check out the podcast resource page!
Caritas in Veritate ENCYCLICAL LETTER CARITAS IN VERITATE OF THE SUPREME PONTIFF BENEDICT XVI TO THE BISHOPS PRIESTS AND DEACONS MEN AND WOMEN RELIGIOUS THE LAY FAITHFUL AND ALL PEOPLE OF GOOD WILL ON INTEGRAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN CHARITY AND TRUTH http://media.blubrry.com/catholic/p/podcasts.odiogo.com/get_mp3.mp3?f=/the-catholic-hack/The_Catholic_Hack-Caritas_in_Veritate_-_From_NewAdventorg.mp3Subscribe: Google Podcasts | RSS | Check out the […]
MP3’s of The Catholic Hack! Episode”s No. 81 Seeking Holiness No 80 Heavenly Worship http://media.blubrry.com/catholic/p/www.joemcclane.com/downloads/TCH_70_Victor_Claveau_Part1.mp3Subscribe: Google Podcasts | RSS | Check out the podcast resource page!
LISTEN LIVE: http://www.catholicunderground.com/listen.pls LAUNCH mp3 STREAM (.pls) [iTunes, Quicktime, Real Audio, Winamp] LAUNCH mp3 STREAM (.m3u) [Windows Media, Real Audio] WHAT IS thestream ? So, isn’t a stream of audio….old school? Maybe, but we don’t think so! While On-Demand is certainly useful for the Catholic on the go, sometimes we […]
Welcome Back! Given the current state of affairs in the world people will begin to seek for answers, hope, and relief in all the wrong places. A bad end time’s theology will mislead countless faithful into looking for a quick way out of trails and tribulations through false raptures and […]
Welcome Back! Today we talk about seeking holiness in a dark world. We read the headlines and feel the darkness creeping in around us. So how do we react to that? Do we cower or hide in our little part of creation? No… we become the Salt of the Earth! […]
Welcome Back! I pick up a conversation I started back on episode 58 about the “One Church” and how you can know/see it. Today we focus on the “worship” before the alter of God and draw heavily on the “Lamb’s Supper” by Dr. Scott Hahn. To download the narrated letters […]
Welcome Back! Today’s special guest is Joshua LeBlanc and Josh & I dive deep on the 4th Cup which is a great way to show how the sacrifice in the upper room and the sacrifice on the cross were one and the same sacrifice. This is a deep […]