This week on "Behold The Man" we dive deep into St. Matthew chapter 2 and see how Jesus is the new, and greater Moses, Herod is the Anti-Christ, who apes God, how Our Lady is the Queen Mother, and the Wise Men from the East are worshiping God born in flesh, and in the town of the "house of bread".
Behold The Man Radio Show
Today, on “Behold The Man” we dive deep on the readings of the 4th Sunday in the season of Advent... looking at the promised "Mother and her Child", the anointed son of David who will sit on the throne forever! It becomes clear that Jesus is that child but, we also see how Joseph therefore is the NEW David, and Mary is the NEW Queen Mother!
Today, on "Behold The Man" we dive deep on Daniel 2 and 7 to see how our Lord is the fulfillment of the "Son of Man" and how his Nativity brough about the "Kingdom of God". This is what Mary KNEW when she was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit.
Today, on Behold The Man we prepare the way of our Lord by looking at the first Confession... the fall of man, the reconciliation, and the restoration of us all!
Today on "Behold The Man", "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me"... words of our Lord from the cross that has always bothered me. Was he in utter despair? Or was he at his strongest? It was Todah... Eucharist!
Today, on “Behold the Man” we look at the doctrine of purgatory; where is that in scripture? Where do we find praying for the dead? We dive deep and see how this doctrine is not only scriptural but, very beautiful!
Today, on “Behold the Man” we look at how to vote Catholic... using the 5 non-negotiable issues. As Catholic's we must have a well formed conscience, and then use that conscience for the good of society, especially in elections.
Today, on “Behold the Man” we look at how Jacob earns his name by wrestling with an Angel, escapes death at the hand of Esau and the fall of the 3 eldest son’s of Jacob! NOTE: my microphone was over modulated… too HOT… which means the audio quality was less than the best. I […]
Today, on “Behold the Man” we are looking at Galatians 2:11 – what did St. Peter do wrong? Was he really acting like a hypocrite? Or… was it St. Paul who learned a valuable lesson here? Show Notes: * The SHOW NOTES, click HERE, to download a PDF copy. * […]
Today, on “Behold The Man” we see how Jacob fathered his 12 sons… not quite the “text-book” approach you would hope for in a patriarch of the people of God. Stocked full of wives, children, and live stock… Jacob makes off with his riches for the land of his father; […]