Today, on Behold The Man we are looking at the link between Jesus' ascension, the coming of the Kingdom and the missionary charisim of the Catholic Church. Why are we sent? Because the Kingdom is at hand!
Behold The Man Radio Show
This week on "Behold The Man" we look at the Rapture. Where did it come from? Is it in scripture? What does the Catholic Church teach?
This week on "Behold The Man" we take on the topic of sola scriptura or scripture alone. Where is scripture alone found in scripture? That's the big question as we look at why the Church teaches a both tradition and scripture approach to passing on the Gospel.
This week on “Behold The Man” we listen to the trailer to the fantastic movie “There Be Dragons” as well as listen to a clip of a talk Dr. Scott Hahn gave at the Fullness Of Truth event last week. * Watch the VIDEO version of this episode HERE. Your Homework: *Check-Out […]
This week on Behold The Man I will tell you the story of when I beat and mocked our Lord. When I scourged him, crowned him the thorns and nailed him to the tree! I am the one who sent him to the grave but it was God wh orasied him to forgive even me... a sinner!
This week on "Behold The Man" we look at how Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a Donkey kicks off a NEW 8 day festival that perfects the feast of Tabernacles, Hanukkah and so much more! A new King of peace brings a new Priesthood, and a new Feast!
This week on "Behold The Man" we look at Jesus' trimphal entry into Jerusalem as the NEW Solomon, the NEW Son of David. But... he brings with him a NEW Priesthood!
This week on “Behold The Man”, We wrap up our series on Baptismal typolgy by looking at Joshua’s crossing of the Jordan river. How must we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? By crossing the water infused with the Holy Spirit! * The SHOW NOTES, click HERE, to download a PDF copy. […]
This week on “Behold The Man”, an evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign, only Jonah will be given them! We enter into the depths of Christ’s death, and stay with him for 3days in the belley of Sheoul, to arise with him in newness of life. We are exploring […]
This week on “Behold The Man”, being inspired by an article From Jean Cardinal Danielou, S.J. entitled: "The Sacraments And the History of Salvation"; we dive deep into the living-flowing waters of creation, cleansing and redemption to find the power and beauty of the Sacrament of Baptisim!