Video Episode 5 of "A Journey For Men Through Salvation History." How's your faith? Better than Abram in Egypt I hope!
A Father Who Keeps His Promises
Noah Part Two. Noah is a NEW Adam but, can he resist the forbidden fruit unlike his fore-father? In this episode we look at the devastating effects of history repeating itself, and reflect on how we can avoid the same mistakes. Pick up your copy of Dr. Scott Hahn’s “A […]
Noah – a NEW Adam WIth the sin of Adam comes chaos in his family. It’s good versus evil and whose “name” we seek… ours or the Lord’s. Pick up your copy of Dr. Scott Hahn’s “A Father Who Keeps His Promises” and follow along. – (thank you for […]
We are looking at Adam's first encounter with the "Ancient Serpent" and analyzing his failure to apply it to our own lives.
Video episode 1: we are looking at Adam's role in the Garden (Genesis 1 & 2), as Priest, Prophet, and King. Leader, Protector, & Provider.
I want to thank the men of the "Catholic Men's Retreat" of Wyoming for inviting me to speak to them about one my favorite subjects... typology! In this series of 6 lectures we attempted to examine the question... why did Jesus have to suffer and die just to redeem us from our sin. If Jesus is God, then why not just will our redemption? To go through so much for us, the mocking, the stripes of the scourging, the crown of thorns, the out-pouring of his blood, being cut off from his people and nailed to a tree... there must have been a very good reason. In the seeking the answer to this question we endeavor to become the "Man in the Garden!"
Why did God have to take on flesh and dwell among us? Why did he have to suffer and die to redeem us? Answer, LOVE. Today, on "Behold the Man" we look at the Law of Love in Salvation History!
Today, on “Behold the Man” we look at how Jacob earns his name by wrestling with an Angel, escapes death at the hand of Esau and the fall of the 3 eldest son’s of Jacob! NOTE: my microphone was over modulated… too HOT… which means the audio quality was less than the best. I […]
Today, on “Behold The Man” we see how Jacob fathered his 12 sons… not quite the “text-book” approach you would hope for in a patriarch of the people of God. Stocked full of wives, children, and live stock… Jacob makes off with his riches for the land of his father; […]