Show Notes: “There Can Be only One” as the saying goes from the 1986 movie the “Highlander”. The same is true for the Body of Christ… his Church. There can be only one and today I hope to show you that that Church is not an earthly Church but […]
The Catholic Hack
Show Notes: During a highly successful career trading energy derivatives, Steve experienced firsthand the profound pressures placed on men and families in modern society. He also witnessed the tremendous impact a man of faith can have at home, at work and in greater society. In 2002, he set aside his […]
Show Notes: During a highly successful career trading energy derivatives, Steve experienced firsthand the profound pressures placed on men and families in modern society. He also witnessed the tremendous impact a man of faith can have at home, at work and in greater society. In 2002, he set aside his […]
powered by ODEO Show Notes: Pick up Chosen and Cherished Here For Mothers Day!Mrs. Kimberly Hahn has been married to Scott since 1979. They have six children: Michael, Gabriel, Hannah, Jeremiah, Joseph, and David. Kimberly has been a full-time, stay-at-home Mom since their firstborn’s arrival. Currently, she home schools her […]
powered by ODEO Show Notes: Pick up Chosen and Cherished Here For Mothers Day!Mrs. Kimberly Hahn has been married to Scott since 1979. They have six children: Michael, Gabriel, Hannah, Jeremiah, Joseph, and David. Kimberly has been a full-time, stay-at-home Mom since their firstborn’s arrival. Currently, she home schools her […]
powered by ODEO Show Notes:Today we Break Break again, share some feedback, and talk more about sacrificial love.The Catholic Hack!_TCH 41.doc – These are the notes from the “Offering it up” podcastVerses – 1 Peter 2:18 – 25 Resources:“Offer it Up” by Julia Dugger Links:Download this podcast motherofgodpodcast.comwww.divinemercypodcast.comwww.salvationhistory.comThe 4th Cup […]
powered by ODEO Show Notes:BIOGRAPHYGreg and Jennifer Willits are the founders of Rosary Army (, a 501(c)3 non-profit Catholic apostolate dedicated to making, praying, and giving away all-twine knotted Rosaries and encouraging others to do the same. Since incorporating on Good Friday 2003, Rosary Army has reached a worldwide audience […]
Show Notes: Today we share feedback and talk about the Garden. Was Adam a coward? Was the serpent a slick talking tree snake or an monstrous intruder threatening the life of Adam and Eve? Stick around let’s talk about it. Pick up “A Father Who Keeps His Promises” by […]
powered by ODEO Show Notes:BIOGRAPHYGreg and Jennifer Willits are the founders of Rosary Army (, a 501(c)3 non-profit Catholic apostolate dedicated to making, praying, and giving away all-twine knotted Rosaries and encouraging others to do the same. Since incorporating on Good Friday 2003, Rosary Army has reached a worldwide audience […]
powered by ODEO Welcome Back! We have a LOT to talk about today… The Rock, The 7 last sayings of Christ, Salvation history and the empty tomb! This is a long one… sorry!… but, I really wanted to talk about all these great and important topics. I hope you […]